MUMBAI: Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) is set to close down one of its best-selling unit-linked insurance plans (Ulips) — 'Market Plus' — on March 31. Sources said the corporation had decided to close the scheme since the size was unwieldy. Currently, 'Market Plus' is the only unit-linked pension plan with LIC and was launched in July 2006 as a replacement for 'Future Plus', the corporation's maiden pension Ulip. The scheme has been one of the best sellers for LIC in the last quarter, with close to 15% of its premium income coming from this product alone. Brisk sales of 'Market Plus' in January 2008 have helped LIC regain much of the marketshare it lost earlier this year. The scheme is available as a regular premium plan as well as a single premium plan. 'Market Plus' was introduced a year after the launch of 'Future Plus' and incorporated the minimum three year lock-in period prescribed by the regulator. The net ass...
Life Insurance in India