Car insurance as the name suggests is an insurance which is purchased to insure a car. The insurance company pays for the damage occurred due to accidents. Some insurance companies also pay for theft also. Also many companies cover damage to the person driving the car. Many companies provide quotes before purchasing insurance. These quotes contain information about what you are paying for.
One can get many discounts from various companies on different insurances. These discounts can be easily understandable when a person gets through many insurance quotes. This article focuses on different discounts that can be achieved in various states. These discounts are not fixed and not every insurance company provides them. One should contact the insurance company agent and ask him if their company provide these discounts. Some of the common discounts which various companies provide are: -
1. Some companies provide heavy discounts if you buy insurance for multiple vehicles. For example if the cost of insurance of two individual cars is $700 each, one can get a heavy discount if he insures both vehicles together. These discounts can be up to 40% i.e. one can get insured both cars at $1000.
2. If a person drives his car less or one uses his car only for going from his home to office, one can get discount according to low mileage policy. One can get discount up to 20% according to this.
3. If a person uses his cars for only visiting purposes i.e. he uses public transportation for his daily services, he or she can get discounts up to 20%.
4. When a drives has no accident history, some companies provide discounts under a policy known as safe driver discounts. One can maintain a good driving report by driving safely and responsibly.
5. A student can get a discount up to 30% according to policy good student discounts.
6. A company can get discounts for their employees if they insure their vehicles all together in their name. These discounts are counted under group discounts. Some insurance companies also provide discounts to club members. These discounts can be up to 10%.
7. If your car has automatic safety feature for preventing damage due to accidents, some companies may offer you discounts on their policy known as discounts for cars having automatics safety features.
8. If your car have anti-theft protection you may get huge discounts as your car has very less chances to be stolen.
These discounts come under policy known as discounts for cars having anti-theft devices.
About the Author: Online auto insurance is a leading cheap auto insurance quotes website. It's mission to become #1 website for buy car insurance online.