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Here’s What You Do To Get Off To The Quickest Start Selling Life Insurance!

There are several exciting and dynamic life insurance selling systems available today that will help you to close large life insurance sales. There's the LEAP, Missed Fortune, Infinite Banking and Circle of Wealth Systems, along with the various 'College Funding', 'Equity Management' and 'Mortgage Early Payoff' sales systems, just to name a few. All of these systems may be fine ways for you to learn how to sell lots of life insurance, once you are in front of a prospect. Regrettably, the vast majority of these systems are primarily just a sales system… and NOT a real marketing, or a lead generation system. Yes, they'll give you one or two ways to generate leads that has worked for the creators of the system, like running ads in the newspaper, sending out post cards, or buying leads. However, the lead generation methods they use do not work for everyone, in every part of the country. And, they tend to be very expensive to implement. And, no matter how good their selling system is, if their lead generation method (s) doesn't put you in front of the 'Right' high quality prospects everyday, the system is almost worthless.

It's the same with many of the career life insurance companies. They have some of the best life insurance products, and they provide you with good training on how to sell their products. Unfortunately, they do not have a good marketing system that puts you in front of good prospects, everyday. Their idea of marketing is for you to do a 'Project 100', and try to sell 100 or more of your family, closest friends and other people you know. And then when you are done contacting those people, and you've made a few sales, you are supposed to have a ton of referrals to keep you going. However, it rarely works out that way, for most people.

Now, I agree, there are a few people who will purchase one of these sales systems, or join a career company and will have phenomenal success. But, as we all know, 85 percent of the agents and advisors in this industry are struggling to make a mediocre living. But, it doesn't have to be that way for you!

So, how do you get off to the quickest start selling life insurance and keep it going.

Wouldn't it be nice if there were one, or maybe two marketing strategies (lead generation methods) that will work for everyone, in every area in the country? But, would you agree that everyone's situation is different? Some people have more money behind them for marketing, than others. There are people who are already well known and respected in their community, or are active members in various civic groups. Some people are good speakers, love to talk in front of groups, or have an outgoing personality. There are people who are good on the phone and those that absolutely hate it.

And, there are some parts of the country where newspaper ads or postcards work great. There are some communities that are flooded with seminars or educational workshops, and others that don't have any. Some communities are struggling financially, more than others. In some towns, you can hold educational workshops in libraries, other don't allow them at all.

And, the worst part is that what may work today… May not work tomorrow!

Are you getting the point?

If you want to get off to the quickest start possible selling life insurance and keep it going, then you must have several marketing systems available to you, with all the tips, tools and training you need to make these systems work for you.

And, you'll need one more thing… A Coach!

It's very difficult for most people to determine and choose the best marketing method for their situation. There are too many variables. Too many mistakes you can make. And, what if you waste a lot of your time, and all your money by choosing the wrong method, or doing it wrong?

An experienced coach can help you to analyze your strengths and weaknesses to help you to determine what marketing program will work the best for you, short and long term based on your situation and area. And, they can help you to fine-tune the process to minimize any costly mistakes.

We can all benefit from the outside perspective of someone watching our moves closely, especially if that person has the skills and experience in the activity that's being coached. A coach can provide you with the structure and accountability you need week after week to discover and fine-tune the best marketing methods to guarantee your success.

Lew and Jeremy Nason
"The Nine Out Of Ten Guys"

About the Author: Claim your free Report "How to Attract & Sell Your Perfect Prospects" at 

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